When you shop GU10 LED Bulbs, what means to you for light angle?
Market now offer 36, 38, 40, 50 & 60 degree of light, What degree for what purpose?
36 - 40-degree small angle light source usually used for spot light, for shop display purpose.
But what purpose for 40 - 60-degree large angle used for? Large angle is used for domestic,
commercial, design lighting and illumination purpose.
Some people are questioning why after they changed to GU10 LED bulbs, they were not
bright as using halogen bulbs. Please bear in mind, to maximise the brightness for the environment,
the light installing need as close to the wall as possible, preferably 30-45cm from the wall and the
light angle of the bulbs also need to be considered. If you can lighted up the wall, the whole
environment will be much different and you can enjoy a much warmer and well-lit ambience.